:py:mod:`calliope.config` ========================= .. py:module:: calliope.config Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: calliope.config.Configuration .. py:class:: Configuration Helper to read configuration values from well-known config file. The config file location is determined by the ``XDG_CONFIG_HOME`` environment variable, usually resolving to ``$HOME/.local/calliope/calliope.conf``. .. py:method:: get(section, name) Read a single config value. Config key names should be lowercase and use underscore (``_``) to separate words. For backwards compatibility reasons, if a key ``foo_bar`` is not found in the config, ``foo-bar`` will also be checked. .. py:method:: get_section(section) Return all key/value pairs defined in ``section``. Any hyphens (``-``) in key names will be converted to underscores (``_``).