:py:mod:`calliope.musicbrainz.resolve` ====================================== .. py:module:: calliope.musicbrainz.resolve .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Resolve Musicbrainz identifiers from playlist data. Module Contents --------------- Functions ~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: calliope.musicbrainz.resolve.release_ids_from_album calliope.musicbrainz.resolve.image_for_item .. py:function:: release_ids_from_album(context, item) Identify the Musicbrainz release representing ``item``. Uses the ``musicbrainzngs.search_releases()`` method to find matching `Musicbrainz Release entity `_. Any of the following properties will be used in the search, if set: * ``creator`` * ``album`` * ``musicbrainz.artists[0].id`` All of the following properties will be set in the output: * ``musicbrainz.artists`` * ``musicbrainz.release_id`` * ``musicbrainz.release_group_id`` Note that the ``musicbrainz.artist_id`` property will correspond to the whole album. .. py:function:: image_for_item(context, item, max_size)